Thursday 28 November 2013


A lot of things have been happening lately in our group... we've been facing tons of problems and miscommunication.. David hasn't been cooperating well with us in a group ..It has always been me and Kim who have been discussing about our Noir Film...hmmm....during class today...Kim told Mr Charles about our situation and he told us to just continue on working together without David. .Wow..from 3 members to 2 now...It's definitely going to be a big struggle for us.. most groups have 4-5 people...yet our group has only 2??!!.. haihh...tough life...

Anyways, when class was over.. Me and Kim decided to work on our Noir Film storyline again. We went to the Admin Office area and decided to discuss around there :) .To be honest, we were quite stuck for the first 1hour trying to come up with the story...I think we were just too tired at that moment..Later on..ideas starting flowing out of our brains and we managed to come up with part of the story line ...

 Here's a brief description on what we wrote

So our cult is still about the teddy bear. In our Noir Film, we show two different life of the society. One of it is the King ( royal family ) and the other one is an ordinary family ( Girl and her mum ). 


* King has a better life compared to his little brother (CL)
* King always gets all the attention from the mother
*Death of the parents
*One of them have to takeover the role as King of the country 
*Election day
*High authorities people only can vote
*King won over his little brother (CL)
*Crown ceremony
*King feels like he should do something for the society
*King gives speech
*Teddy bear for * outstanding performance kids* 
 *Feels satisfied for doing something good*
*Went to bed...*lights off* 


* Girl living with her mother
* Always get treated well by her mother
* Having dinner together
* Shows her mother the bear that was given from the King
*Mother feels proud that her child was selected as one of the *outstanding performance kids*
*Mother kiss her goodnight...went to bed...*lights off*

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