5/7/2013-Day 2
Woke up around 10am today!.I was so shocked that my whole room mates overslept!.We were late for the rock climbing session on that day.I initially didn't want to go for rock climbing cause I didn't have anything to eat in the morning. I did not really have the energy as I was having a headache at that moment. Mr Charles insisted that I tried out rock climbing.Yes indeed, I actually took up the challenge!.It was definitely a tough challenge trying to reach the top. As i reached 3/4 of the way up, my arms were kinda sore at that moment. I was on the verge of giving up as I didn't have the strength to pull up myself.Nevertheless, Mr Charles and my course mates gave me support and I finally managed to reach the top!.tehehe~ this was definitely a memorable first experience trying out rock climbing :D
-View of rock climbing and flying fox area-
-This is me attempting rock climbing- XD
-Me and Vivian conquering the rock climbing challenge - LOLS!
As soon as Rock Climbing session was over, It was time for Flying Fox!.. Hahaha..this is not my first time trying it out .Infact, I have to admit that I enjoy "flying fox" alot XD~.
-I believe I can fly~!!!!- XD
Lunch was next and we had a paintball session after that. Only 12 of us decided to go for this session. I decided to join because I have never tried paintball before.We were divided into 2 teams (Green team and Black team) .The objective of this mission is to save the hostage and bring them to our base. In this case, Professor Charles is the hostage. I was assigned to Green Team. After 3 grueling matches, Black Team was announced as the winners.It was indeed a wonderful yet "Painful" experience playing paintball.I was shot 5 times during this session. The most crucial ones was that my right leg got shot 3 times in a row. I swear that I couldn't really walk properly after that round .___. gosh...It hurt really badly!..Well, as mentioned by Andrew earlier in the briefing
When paintball was over, Mr Charles that we could take a rest or even go to the river to refresh ourselves.I decided to go back to my chalet and take a nap as I was rather in pain after the session. We met up for our final task briefing at the river around 4.30pm. With 2 hours more to spare before our BBQ dinner, my group members decided to do some final touch up on our lanterns. We then had to display it nearby the dining area.The lanterns actually acts as a baits to lure Mr Black and expose
his identity.
The hunt begins after Prof Charles confess with a bettle
in his palms. Everyone scattered and ran for their lives. At this moment, I really felt as if we were playing RUNNING MAN!..LOLS!..t.My group formed an alliance with Nick's team and we started to hunt for the missing treasure.After running around like mad people for 2hours, our team and Nick's team managed to recover the artifact. GAME OVER!!!..MUAHAHAHA XD~.We then went to the hot springs for a dip. I really had a nice time chit-chatting and playing around in the hot springs with my course mates. When it was 12 midnight, my course mates and lecturer starting singing Happy Birthday to me and Song .Not only that! we even recieved a extreme water splash attack by some of my course mates.tehehehe XP
-Blowing out the candle on our "IMAGINARY CAKE" XD
Oh gosh...another experience I would never forget is the moment that we were walking back from hot springs to our chalets.During the beginning of our journey back, there wasn't any streetlights. IT WAS LITERALLY PITCHED BLACK!..gosh...7 of us decided to walk closely to one another..Towards the middle of our journey, there were streetlights already..thank god! :) . Reached my chalet at around 2am, took a quick shower and immediately dozed off! zzzzz.